Friday 25 March 2011

Fish 'N' _hips

Stole the letter C off a sign.... Im glad I did, the chips and battered sausage were shit!!!!

This is on my wall... mission is to get the whole sign!!

Playbill - Screen Printing

Wednesday 23 March 2011

YCN Thames Clippers

YCN project....

I have decided to devise an advertising campaign for the Thames Clippers as my YCN brief.
I have used tag lines to encourage Underground commuters, and out of towners, to travel by the boats, rather than a stuffy tube station with no room to move.
Tag lines are very much my style, along with not using a lot of graphics.

Friday 18 March 2011

Etching- The Collector

Frontal piece for the book 'The Collector'


D&AD Aviva Campaign to help children get off the streets and into education.
This is my entry.


I'm so fucking pissed off.
Came into college today to upload projects for my D&AD, "unknown error"
emailed them, and got one back saying it more than likely the connection.
Off home I go.... If this don't work, I'm withdrawn, and don't get a refund!
I feel so pleased to pay for a fucking competition, that fucking driving me mad!
Bye bye £17 I didn't have anyways!!!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

This makes me question myself....

I think I may cry.....

'Wrap it Up'

At Uni we had to design our own wrapping paper, with a repeated pattern.
We we given a list of subject matters, and I have chosen Modern Gothic.
Tomorrow for the crit, we will each have to go round marking each others!!
Gonna be fun.


Book Cover Design

Redesigned book cover for 'No Blade of Grass' by John Christopher.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Moving Men

Moving men was one of our projects were we had to design a logo for men's health issues, to encourage them to get checked out.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Self Portrait

This is a self portrait of me, the project this was for was called "I am brand" alot of people have said it looks like me, so that's a good thing!
I used items that I like and enjoy, for instance, wine lable and tops for my hair and eyes, my glasses, money for the nose, as I love the smell of money, lottery ticket for the mouth, because I like to gamble and winning makes me happy, and part of  baccy pouch for the face. I also tried to show a little of my sense of humor in the SP by  using an "i" and bell.... eye ball.. yeah!!!


I'm quite interested in hard hitting campaigns, for instance "Don't drink and drive"
These are clever adverts which is what I am interested in, and I suppose how I would like to work.

The break up letter

For the end of my next relationship, I stole this of a friends profile, funny stuff!

Thank you to; thebreakuplegend


The newest tattoo I have had done! Inspired by Banksy!
Rather than having the whole tattoo in black like the piece of work, I opted for coloured balloons.

Monday 7 March 2011

Circle Gallery

Logo design for the Circle Gallery at Sussex Coast College Hastings!

I found this photo of me on my computer at Uni.

I was 19 years old I believe!


This is a canvas bag with a self made logo on! It's meant to represent a really fucking stressful day, and sums up what you want to scream in peoples face when they piss you off!

This is not the bag that got printed on, because to the stupid cow in the shop, put glitter on the logo, and that's really not what I wanted!

Hybrid Type

This is part of the 5 of 7 briefs we did in FdA1; This brief was to create our own font.


This was part of a 5 of 7 briefs at the end of FdA1: We had to come up with our own political party, and create a campaign, mine was called "The little people party"

Remisson Logo

The Remission logo, was for a charity that deals with people who have or have had bone marrow treatment.
However nothing went further with this logo!