Sunday 29 May 2011

Cookie Monster Mug!!!

If anybody can find/buy me one - I will love you very muchly!!!!! More than I do my hat...... and my tie!!!



Today is pretty boring, not really doing a lot. I should be going out later
for a mates birthday drinks, but I can't really afford it if I'm honest!! 
Its good to see that lot though, such a dilemma - my room needs 
clearing/tidying and I have other stuff to do. 

Bank holiday tomorrow, so thats another day I wont be able to go into
uni, but hey ho.... nearly the end of one month and soon to be the next, 
this year so far has fucking flown by, and right now.... shit is good!!

Things can only get better................ right??

Tuesday 24 May 2011


I've been working on my Final Major Project for some time now, and think I finally have a break through, YES FINALLY!!!
All go right now, with any luck, I'll finish what I'm doing and actually pass this fucking degree course!!

Friday 6 May 2011


So I know I've not written on my blog in a while, it's been really crazy.
 Women/Uni/Women... you get it!!

I have just started on reaserch for my final major project, I'm going
down the gay rights route, making people aware of homophobic
bullying, which can lead to suicides, or at least something along the
lines, because this is a powerful subject, and means alot to me.